Monday, February 8, 2010

It's going to be another Chinese New Year

Normally, as my dad & mom are the eldest from both families, on the 2nd day of CNY, uncles, aunties, cousins and the little ones from my cousins will all gathered at my place and there's hardly any place for people to move around.

Last year was a total different year for my family.
As my dad passed away for less than a year, we are not supposed to celebrate CNY 2009, hence, my bro-in-law decided to gather everyone and we head down to Batu Pahat(his home town)where all his ex-classmate of donkey years have their gathering.

This year onwards, or rather last year, thing is no longer the same.
I heard that as granny is taken care by my fifth uncle, the celebration was held @ his place, therefore, the arrangement will be something like this...

1st day, as usual, go over to visit my mom's mom at my eldest uncle's place. That will be probably around 10+ 11+ where we will have lunch prepared by my auntie, then around 2, 3 or 4 plus depending, we will leave for home sweet home.
(Likely, I will be sending my mom home 1st and depending on what time Viv's parent at home, I will pop over there to pai nien. (hope I got it right..)

Then playing by ear, I may or may not stay over at Viv's place as on the 2nd day of CNY, all of us will be popping over to my fifth uncle's place.

I have no idea how long will we be there but hopefully, it will be as rowdy as how it used to be at my place. The kids will be wondering whether SLY will be there or not but likely he will be...
Ohh.. to add on, my dad's sister passed on too last year so guessed her kids will not be joining in...

It's a sad feeling that both of them have left us.

At this time of the year, suddenly, I just missed my dad... I mean, of cos ppl will die when they get old but the memories will leave on with us and by recalling them, it really make me cry... YES, I cry ok cos I love and missed him.

STOP!.. phew.. ok..

Sorry for this as I just cannot control my feeling...

Oh well, to shed some happy occasion, hopefully, I can sell away my flat at a good price, pass a portion back to my mom so that she feel more secure with some $$ under her pillow.

After that, not in sequence....

1) Settle some Biz's issue which was drag on by my old buddy for a hell of a long time and hopefully can put the thing on hold or one time settlement.

2) Getting a new home together with my tweetie and build our own love nest.

3) Preparation of going to another chapter of life. (buying ring lah etc)

Next, ...

Next time then say .... :)

Oh well, Hope this year onwards will be a good and wonderful year for everyone.

Happy New Year to whoever is reading this...

Gong Xi Fa Cai in advance... :)